using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System.IO; using System; using JamesCore; using System.Diagnostics; using James.Util; using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets; using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug; namespace JamesGame { [ExecuteInEditMode] public class BattleFieldSceneCreator : EditorWindow { private void OnFocus() { DataManager.Instance.InitData(); GamePredata.Instance.InitData(); } private void OnEnable() { Core.defaultRun(); } private static GameObject editorTmpRoot; public const string EDITOR_TMP_NAME = "__EDITOR_TMp_root__"; public static void AddDistanceSigns(int km) { // var gos = LevelBattleFieldLoader.LoadDistanceSigns(km); var distanceSigns = new GameObject("DistanceSigns"); distanceSigns.transform.position =; //var disSignTran = distanceSigns.transform; //disSignTran.SetParent(editorTmpRoot.transform); // // for (int i = 0; i < gos.Count; i++) LevelBattleFieldLoader.LoadDistanceSigns(km, (i, go) => { var distance = (i + 1) * 20f + 10f; // var go = gos[i]; var tran = go.transform; tran.SetParent(distanceSigns.transform); tran.localPosition = new Vector3(-5f, 0f, distance); tran.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(; tran.localScale =; // var clone = Instantiate(go); clone.transform.SetParent(tran.parent); clone.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(5f, 0f, distance); }); } public static void ClearScene() { var tmpRoot = GameObject.Find(EDITOR_TMP_NAME); if (tmpRoot != null) { DestroyImmediate(tmpRoot); editorTmpRoot = null; } } public static GameObject CreateEditorTmpRoot() { if (editorTmpRoot != null) return editorTmpRoot; var tmpRoot = GameObject.Find(EDITOR_TMP_NAME); if (tmpRoot != null) { editorTmpRoot = tmpRoot; return editorTmpRoot; } // tmpRoot = new GameObject(EDITOR_TMP_NAME); var tmpRootTran = tmpRoot.transform; tmpRootTran.position =; tmpRootTran.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(; tmpRootTran.localScale =; editorTmpRoot = tmpRoot; // Add peek camera var camGo = new GameObject("PeekCamera"); var camTran = camGo.transform; camTran.SetParent(editorTmpRoot.transform); camTran.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 5f, 0f); camTran.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(; camTran.localScale =; var cam = camGo.AddComponent(); cam.tag = "MainCamera"; cam.fieldOfView = 50; // Clear original camera and light var oriCam = GameObject.Find("Main Camera"); if (oriCam != null) DestroyImmediate(oriCam); var oriLight = GameObject.Find("Directional Light"); if (oriLight != null) DestroyImmediate(oriLight); // // var adapter = Resources.Load("Prefabs/ARCHERY_ADAPTER"); var adapter = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/LevelEditor/Prefabs/ARCHERY_ADAPTER.prefab"); Instantiate(adapter, tmpRootTran); // // var global = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Global"); var global = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/LevelEditor/Prefabs/Global.prefab"); Instantiate(global, tmpRootTran); //加载UI主控制器 // var uiMain = Resources.Load("Prefabs/UIMainController"); var uiMain = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/LevelEditor/Prefabs/UIMainController.prefab"); Instantiate(uiMain, tmpRootTran); //加载UI主控制器 // var pool = Resources.Load("Prefabs/ObjectPool"); var pool = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/LevelEditor/Prefabs/ObjectPool.prefab"); Instantiate(pool, tmpRootTran); return editorTmpRoot; } [MenuItem("NeoGame/关卡编辑器", false)] public static void ShowDashboard() { EditorWindow.GetWindow(); } [MenuItem("NeoGame/编译数据表")] public static void CompileGameConfigs() { string xlsPath = "../../Data"; string batPath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, xlsPath); if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor) { ProcessCommand("/bin/bash", batPath, "", true); } else { ProcessCommand("export.bat", batPath, "", true); } GameDataConverter.WriteTableData("../Data/exports/TableData.bin", "Assets/StreamingAssets/ReadWritePath/Config/UserData.json"); CreateZip(Application.dataPath, "StreamingAssets/ReadWritePath", ""); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } [MenuItem("NeoGame/excel 转 Jsonpart 文件", false)] public static void Excel2Jsonfiles() { DataManager.Instance.InitData(); GamePredata.Instance.InitData(); ConfigEditor.Excel2Jsonparts(); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Editor Message", "执行完毕", "OK", ""); } [MenuItem("NeoGame/Jsonparts 转 excel 文件", false)] public static void Jsonparts2Excel() { ConfigEditor.Jsonparts2Excel(); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Editor Message", "执行完毕", "OK", ""); } /** * Draw GUI in editor mode */ public const string TAB_TITLE = "Battle Editor"; public BattleFieldSceneCreator() { this.titleContent = new GUIContent(TAB_TITLE); this.Reload(); } static void CreateZip(string projectPath, string toZipPath, string zipName, string exclude = null) { string zipFolder = Path.Combine(projectPath, toZipPath); string zippTarget = Path.Combine(projectPath, "StreamingAssets/" + zipName); if (!Directory.Exists(zipFolder)) return; if (File.Exists(zippTarget)) File.Delete(zippTarget); int CompressLevel = 9; ZipClass zc = new ZipClass(); zc.ZipDirectory(zipFolder, zippTarget, CompressLevel, exclude); } // private static int brokenTargetGroupId = 0; private static int brokenChallengeDataId = 0; private static string targetResourceName = string.Empty; private static List targetSearchGroupIds = new List(); // private static string toaddSceneName = string.Empty; // private static string tmplTargetGroupName = string.Empty; // Subeditor state private int subeditorState = 1; public const int BATTLE_FIELD_STATE_CODE = 1; public const int TARGET_DATA_STATE_CODE = 2; public const int AVATAR_DATA_STATE_CODE = 4; public const int WEAPON_DATA_STATE_CODE = 8; public const int ORIWEAPON_DATA_STATE_CODE = 16; public const int TARGET_TOOLKIT_STATE_CODE = 32; public const int TARGET_PATHFINDIND_STATE_CODE = 64; // Battle Field private int currBattleLevelId = 1; private void OnGUI() { GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // if (GUILayout.Button("重新载入")) { this.Reload(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // var battleFieldEditorExpanded = (subeditorState & BATTLE_FIELD_STATE_CODE) > 0; GUILayout.Space(10f); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button(battleFieldEditorExpanded ? "-" : "+")) { subeditorState ^= BATTLE_FIELD_STATE_CODE; } GUILayout.Space(5f); GUILayout.Label("战场数据维护", EditorStyles.boldLabel); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (battleFieldEditorExpanded) this.DrawBattleFieldEditorGUI(ref currBattleLevelId); /** * 靶子数据维护 */ var targetDataEditorExpanded = (subeditorState & TARGET_DATA_STATE_CODE) > 0; GUILayout.Space(10f); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button(targetDataEditorExpanded ? "-" : "+")) { subeditorState ^= TARGET_DATA_STATE_CODE; } GUILayout.Space(5f); GUILayout.Label("靶子数据维护", EditorStyles.boldLabel); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (targetDataEditorExpanded) this.DrawBattleTargetEditorGUI(); /** * TO BE CONTINUE */ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Label("TO BE CONTINUE", EditorStyles.boldLabel); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Add Distance Sign")) { AddDistanceSigns(130); } // Clear battle field scene if (GUILayout.Button("Clear Scene")) { ClearScene(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // GUILayout.EndVertical(); } public void Reload() { this.ClearBattleFieldEditorDataCache(); this.ClearBattleTargetEditorDataCache(); ConfigEditor.ClearCacheData(); } public void ChangeCurrBattleLevelId(int id) { this.currBattleLevelId = id; } private int testVar = 1; private static void ProcessCommand(string command, string workDir, string argument, bool isShell) { ProcessStartInfo start = new ProcessStartInfo(command); start.FileName = command; start.WorkingDirectory = workDir; start.Arguments = argument; start.CreateNoWindow = false; start.ErrorDialog = true; start.UseShellExecute = isShell; if (start.UseShellExecute) { start.RedirectStandardOutput = false; start.RedirectStandardError = false; start.RedirectStandardInput = false; } else { start.RedirectStandardOutput = true; start.RedirectStandardError = true; start.RedirectStandardInput = true; start.StandardOutputEncoding = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8; start.StandardErrorEncoding = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8; } Process p = Process.Start(start); if (p != null) { p.WaitForExit(100000); } if (!start.UseShellExecute) { PrintOutPut(p.StandardOutput); PrintOutPut(p.StandardError); } } private static void PrintOutPut(StreamReader reader) { string msg = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader.Close(); UnityEngine.Debug.Log(msg); } } }