Browse Source


灯芯 1 month ago
100 changed files with 4892 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 194 0
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  3. 83 0
  4. 8 0
  5. 83 0
  6. 8 0
  7. 84 0
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  15. 83 0
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  17. 83 0
  18. 8 0
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  20. 8 0
  21. 8 0
  22. BIN
  23. 140 0
  24. BIN
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  26. 83 0
  27. 8 0
  28. 85 0
  29. 8 0
  30. 85 0
  31. 8 0
  32. 83 0
  33. 8 0
  34. 8 0
  35. BIN
  36. 140 0
  37. BIN
  38. 140 0
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  40. 8 0
  41. 85 0
  42. 8 0
  43. 8 0
  44. BIN
  45. 140 0
  46. BIN
  47. 140 0
  48. 83 0
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  50. 83 0
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  51. 8 0
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  52. 83 0
  53. 8 0
  54. 83 0
  55. 8 0
  56. 83 0
  57. 8 0
  58. 83 0
  59. 8 0
  60. 85 0
  61. 8 0
  62. 83 0
      snipershooting/ShootSniper/Assets/Arts/OldRes_PY/distance/distance/Materials/distance_Material _5_AlbedoTransparency.mat
  63. 8 0
      snipershooting/ShootSniper/Assets/Arts/OldRes_PY/distance/distance/Materials/distance_Material _5_AlbedoTransparency.mat.meta
  64. 83 0
  65. 8 0
  66. 83 0
  67. 8 0
  68. 83 0
  69. 8 0
  70. 83 0
      snipershooting/ShootSniper/Assets/Arts/OldRes_PY/jiazi/Materials/1_Material _28_AlbedoTransparency.mat
  71. 8 0
      snipershooting/ShootSniper/Assets/Arts/OldRes_PY/jiazi/Materials/1_Material _28_AlbedoTransparency.mat.meta
  72. 83 0
  73. 8 0
  74. 83 0
      snipershooting/ShootSniper/Assets/Arts/OldRes_PY/mengmianren/Materials/No Name.mat
  75. 8 0
      snipershooting/ShootSniper/Assets/Arts/OldRes_PY/mengmianren/Materials/No Name.mat.meta
  76. 83 0
  77. 8 0
  78. 83 0
  79. 8 0
  80. 83 0
      snipershooting/ShootSniper/Assets/Arts/OldRes_PY/railcar/Materials/Rail car_Material _69_AlbedoTransparency.mat
  81. 8 0
      snipershooting/ShootSniper/Assets/Arts/OldRes_PY/railcar/Materials/Rail car_Material _69_AlbedoTransparency.mat.meta
  82. 83 0
      snipershooting/ShootSniper/Assets/Arts/OldRes_PY/renxingba/models/Materials/No Name.mat
  83. 8 0
      snipershooting/ShootSniper/Assets/Arts/OldRes_PY/renxingba/models/Materials/No Name.mat.meta
  84. 83 0
  85. 8 0
  86. 83 0
  87. 8 0
  88. 83 0
      snipershooting/ShootSniper/Assets/Arts/OldRes_PY/shiliao_1/Materials/No Name.mat
  89. 8 0
      snipershooting/ShootSniper/Assets/Arts/OldRes_PY/shiliao_1/Materials/No Name.mat.meta
  90. 83 0
  91. 8 0
  92. 83 0
  93. 8 0
  94. 83 0
      snipershooting/ShootSniper/Assets/Arts/OldRes_PY/target_circle/Materials/07 - Default.mat
  95. 8 0
      snipershooting/ShootSniper/Assets/Arts/OldRes_PY/target_circle/Materials/07 - Default.mat.meta
  96. 83 0
      snipershooting/ShootSniper/Assets/Arts/OldRes_PY/target_circle/Materials/Material #63.mat
  97. 8 0
      snipershooting/ShootSniper/Assets/Arts/OldRes_PY/target_circle/Materials/Material #63.mat.meta
  98. 85 0
  99. 8 0
  100. 83 0

+ 194 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
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+    <type fullname="InGameView" preserve="all" />
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+    <type fullname="ScoreView" preserve="all" />
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+    <type fullname="ShootResultView" preserve="all" />
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+    <type fullname="WindView" preserve="all" />
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+    <type fullname="TargetExt" preserve="nothing" serialized="true" />
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+    <type fullname="WeaponPartView/WeaponShowExt" preserve="nothing" serialized="true" />
+  </assembly>
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+  </assembly>
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+    <type fullname="UnityEngine.ParticleSystemRenderer" preserve="all" />
+  </assembly>
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+ 7 - 0

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+ 83 - 0

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+    - _UVSec: 0
+    - _ZWrite: 1
+    m_Colors:
+    - _Color: {r: 0.588, g: 0.588, b: 0.588, a: 1}
+    - _EmissionColor: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1}
+  m_BuildTextureStacks: []

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff